terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012


A hand upon my forehead
A joke and then a laugh
Waking up in your arms
A place to call my own

This is all I ever wanted from life

Ireland in the World Cup either North or South
The fan club on the jukebox
The birds and yes the bees

This is all I ever wanted from life

Words of reassurance but only if they're true
Just some simple kindness
No vengeance from the Gods

This is all I ever wanted from life

To share what I've been given
Some kids eventually
And be for them what I've had
A father like my dad

This is all I ever wanted from life

                                                        Snow Patrol

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

A terra e os devaneios da vontade - G. Bachelard

"Como precisam ser potentes os símbolos da maternidade para que uma criança pequena receba um traumatismo de um olhar duro, de um olhar indiferente, de uma palavra descuidada!

Bachelard, G. p. 310